Corporate Governance

MCB Stockbrokers Ltd (“MCBSB”) is committed to the highest standard of business integrity, transparency and professionalism in all its activities to ensure that the activities of the company are managed ethically and responsibly to enhance business value for all stakeholders. Good corporate governance practices represent a key pillar of the way in which MCBSB operates and conducts business.

The Board has reviewed and approved the Board Charter, the Organisational Chart, the Job positions and the Statement of Main Accountabilities of the Company. These documents are monitored regularly and are updated in a timely manner further to any changes in laws, requirements from regulatory bodies or decisions taken by the Board.

The Code of Ethics of MCB Group Ltd, which has been adopted by all the subsidiaries within the group, is monitored and updated by the Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee of MCB Group Ltd on a regular basis.


Board Charter

Appointment Process of Non Executive Directors

Position Statements

Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Directors

Code of Ethics

Whistle Blowing Policy

Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy

Internal Audit Function

IT Security Governance Policy

Profile of Company Secretary

Organisation Chart

Statement of Main Accountabilities

Profile of Directors

MCB Investment Management Co Ltd (“MCBIM”) is committed to the highest standard of business integrity, transparency and professionalism in all its activities to ensure that the activities of the company are managed ethically and responsibly to enhance business value for all stakeholders. Good corporate governance practices represent a key pillar of the way in which MCBIM operates and conducts business.


Profile of directors

Profile of Company Secretary

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board is responsible and accountable for the long-term success of the Company and as such has approved and set the main accountabilities of the Managing Director (“MD”) and the Board collectively as follows:

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board has reviewed and approved the Board Charter, the Organisational Chart, the Job positions and the Statement of Accountabilities of the Company. These documents are monitored regularly and are updated in a timely manner further to any changes in laws, requirements from regulatory bodies or decisions taken by the Board.

The Code of Ethics of MCB Group Ltd, which has been adopted by all the subsidiaries within the group, is monitored and updated by the Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee of MCB Group Ltd on a regular basis.

MCB Equity Fund Ltd (“MCBEF”) is committed to the highest standard of business integrity, transparency and professionalism in all its activities to ensure that the activities of the company are managed ethically and responsibly to enhance business value for all stakeholders. Good corporate governance practices represent a key pillar of the way in which MCBEF operates and conducts business.

Appointment Process of Non Executive Directors

Board Charter


Position Statements

Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Directors

Code of Ethics

Whistle Blowing Policy

Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy

Internal Audit Function

IT Security Governance Policy



Profile of Directors

Profile of Company Secretary

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board is responsible and accountable for the long-term success of the Company and as such has approved and set the main accountabilities of the Chairperson and the Board collectively as follows:

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board has reviewed and approved the Board Charter, the Job positions and the Statement of Accountabilities of the Company. These documents are monitored regularly and are updated in a timely manner further to any changes in laws, requirements from regulatory bodies or decisions taken by the Board.

The Code of Ethics of MCB Group Ltd, which has been adopted by all the subsidiaries within the group, is monitored and updated by the Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee of MCB Group Ltd on a regular basis.

MCB Registry & Securities Ltd (“MCBRS”) is committed to the highest standard of business integrity, transparency and professionalism in all its activities to ensure that the activities of the company are managed ethically and responsibly to enhance business value for all stakeholders. Good corporate governance practices represent a key pillar of the way in which MCBRS operates and conducts business.


Appointment Process of Non Executive Directors

Board Charter

Position Statements

Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Directors

Organisation Chart

Code of Ethics

Whistle Blowing Policy

Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy

Internal Audit Function

IT Security Governance Policy


Profile of Directors

Profile of Company Secretary

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board is responsible and accountable for the long-term success of the Company and as such has approved and set the main accountabilities of the Officer in Charge, Chairperson and the Board collectively as follows:

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board has reviewed and approved the Board Charter, the Organisational Chart, the Job positions and the Statement of Accountabilities of the Company. These documents are monitored regularly and are updated in a timely manner further to any changes in laws, requirements from regulatory bodies or decisions taken by the Board.

The Code of Ethics of MCB Group Ltd, which has been adopted by all the subsidiaries within the group, is monitored and updated by the Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee of MCB Group Ltd on a regular basis.

MCB Structured Solutions Ltd (“MCBSS”) is committed to the highest standard of business integrity, transparency and professionalism in all its activities to ensure that the activities of the company are managed ethically and responsibly to enhance business value for all stakeholders. Good corporate governance practices represent a key pillar of the way in which MCBSS operates and conducts business.


Board Charter

Appointment Process of Non Executive Directors

Position Statements

Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Directors

Code of Ethics

Whistle Blowing Policy

Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy

Internal Audit Function

IT Security Governance Policy


Profile of Directors

Profile of Company Secretary

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board is responsible and accountable for the long-term success of the Company and as such has approved and set the main accountabilities of the Chairperson and the Board collectively as follows:

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board has reviewed and approved the Board Charter, the Organisational Chart, the Job positions and the Statement of Accountabilities of the Company. These documents are monitored regularly and are updated in a timely manner further to any changes in laws, requirements from regulatory bodies or decisions taken by the Board.

The Code of Ethics of MCB Group Ltd, which has been adopted by all the subsidiaries within the group, is monitored and updated by the Remuneration, Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Committee of MCB Group Ltd on a regular basis.

MCB Financial Advisers (“MCBFA”) is committed to the highest standard of business integrity, transparency and professionalism in all activities to ensure that the activities of the company are managed ethically and responsibly to enhance business value for all stakeholders. Good corporate governance practices represent a key pillar of the way in which MCBFA operates and conducts business.

Board Charter

Position Statements


Appointment Process of Non-Executive Directors

Terms and Conditions of appointment of Non-Executive Directors

Code of Ethics

Whistle Blowing Policy

Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy

Internal Audit Function

IT Security Governance Policy



Profile of directors

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The Board is responsible and accountable for the long-term success of the Company and as such has approved and set the main accountabilities of the CEO and the Board collectively as follows:

Statement of Main Accountabilities

The board has reviewed and approved the Board Charter, the Organisational Chart, the Job positions and the Statement of Accountabilities of the Company. These documents are monitored regularly and are updated in a timely manner further to any changes in laws, requirements from regulatory bodies or decisions taken by the Board.

The Code of Ethics of MCB Group Ltd, which has been adopted by all the subsidiaries within the group, is monitored and updated by the Remuneration, Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee of MCB Group Ltd on a regular basis.