Last Trade NAV Indicative NAV Benchmark Index Currency
6.070 6.070 130.511 USD
25 Jul 2024 26 Jul 2024 25 Jul 2024
*All returns are calculated assuming dividends are reinvested.


Embracing Africa's Potential

Africa, with its rapid economic growth and the world's youngest population, presents a unique investment frontier. The African Domestic Bond Fund (ADBF), launched in partnership with the African Development Bank—which serves as both an anchor investor and a sponsor of the fund—is structured as an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). It is listed in USD on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius and in BWP on the Botswana Stock Exchange. ADBF offers investors a gateway to the expanding African local currency debt markets in a transparent, liquid and cost-efficient manner.

Investment Strategy and Benefits

Targeting diversified exposure to local currency sovereign bond markets in Africa, ADBF invests in debt obligations issued or guaranteed by African governments, their agencies, and African government-sponsored entities, as well as quasi-government entities. The fund aims to provide gross investment returns (before fees and expenses) that track the total return of the AfDB/AFMISM Bloomberg® African Bond Index 25% Capped ("the Index").

The African bond markets make a dynamic, potentially rewarding yet under-owned asset class. This asset class can be appealing to investors seeking diversification and long-term growth in global investment portfolios.


Investors are encouraged to weigh the risks associated with market volatility, interest rate changes, currency fluctuations, and the unique challenges of emerging and frontier markets. ADBF represents a strategic opportunity to engage with Africa's economic ascent, tailored for those with an appreciation of the potential rewards and risks.

ADBF may not be suitable for all investors. Investment into the Fund involves significant risks and should be made only upon advice from independent, qualified sources of investment, legal, tax, accounting and other matters.

Any figures relating to past performance published on this website are not to be taken as a guide to future returns. As is true of any investment in collective investment schemes, investment in the securities herein is not guaranteed. The value of the investment and the income therefrom may go up as well as down and the investor may not get back their initial investment. In certain circumstances an investor’s right of redemption may be suspended.

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