Leverage the SmartTech era. Smart Technologies and Communication (“SmartTech) are fundamentally shifting the way we interact, and gaining traction in our everyday lives. Smart devices such as home hubs that automate lighting, retail software that minimises food waste and technologies are revolutionising the world of wearables, automotive, manufacturing, sports and healthcare industries among others. Invest into the future of SmartTech and receive at maturity 100% of your capital and a guaranteed minimum return of up to 15%.

Key Features

Crescendo Global SmartTech provides you with 3 distinct and flexible investment options:

 MUR 180MUR 65USD 75
Minimum guaranteed return at maturityNot applicable15%Not Applicable
Participation to performance180%65%75%
Minimum investment amountMUR 200,000MUR 200,000USD 6,000
  • Benefit from positive performance only: No participation in negative returns
  • Affordable investment: minimum MUR 200,000 or USD 6,000
  • Investment available as collateral for loans
  • Quarterly liquidity as from December 2016

Subscription closed on December 16, 2015

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