Globalisation is driving the need for better safety. We are fundamentally seeing a shift in the type of threat, where cybersecurity is emerging as an infrastructural critical issue and calls for investment in big data and online protection. Invest with complete peace of mind and receive at maturity 100% of your capital and a conditional return of up to 5% p.a.

Key Features

Crescendo Global Security provides you with 3 distinct and flexible investment options:

 MUR 180MUR 170USD 70
Conditional Annual payment5%Not ApplicableNot Applicable
Participation to performance100%170%70%
Minimum investment amountMUR 200,000MUR 200,000USD 6,000
  • Invest in selected companies
  • Benefit from positive performance only: No participation in negative returns
  • Affordable investment: minimum MUR 200,000 or USD 6,000
  • Investment available as collateral for loans

Subscription closed on April 28, 2016

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