Last Trade NAV Indicative NAV Benchmark Index Currency
7.540 7.540 1627.870 USD
11 Jul 2024 12 Jul 2024 28 Jun 2024
*All returns are calculated assuming dividends are reinvested.


Investment Opportunity

India, recognised for its robust economy and investment-grade standing, presents a compelling investment landscape. It offers both diversification benefits and the potential for attractive returns when integrated into global investment portfolios. The MCB India Sovereign Bond ETF offers a unique opportunity to tap into this vibrant market, marking itself as one of the first ETFs to grant international investors access to Indian sovereign bond(s). 

Objective and Strategy

MCB India Sovereign Bond ETF aims to deliver short-term returns through half-yearly dividends and long-term capital appreciation by tracking the ZyFin India Sovereign Bond Liquid Index. This index reflects the performance of the most liquid, fixed-rate, INR-denominated government bond(s), making it an attractive option for those seeking exposure to India's economic growth and favourable demographics.


 Stable Investment Grade: India's sovereign bonds are recognized for their stability and attractiveness, offering consistent yields that are compelling when compared to global benchmarks.

Tax Advantages: Thanks to its Mauritius domicile, the ETF enjoys a beneficial tax regime, optimizing returns for investors through the taxation treaty between India and Mauritius.

Investment Considerations

While the ETF offers a pathway to participate in India's economic growth, investors should be mindful of the inherent risks associated with emerging markets, including market volatility, interest and currency rate fluctuations and the regulatory environment.

Investment into the Fund involves risks and should be made only after consulting with independent, qualified sources of investment, legal, tax, accounting and other advice. 
Any past performance figures published on this website are not to be taken as a guide to future returns. As is true of any investment in collective investment schemes, investment in the securities herein is not guaranteed. The value of the investment and the income therefrom may go up as well as down and the investor may not get back their initial capital. In certain circumstances an investor’s right of redemption may be suspended.

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