Invest through M.C.B Stockbrokers Limited in Credit Linked Notes issued by CM Structured Products (1) Ltd, backed by ENL group entities2 as underlying reference entities. This opportunity offers a 4.5%3 yield and a coupon rate of 4.75% (Repo+0.75%) p.a.


Issue price / note


Minimum subscription



17 October

Offer opens

27 October

Next put option date

Issue Price per Note MUR 1,009 (inclusive of accrued interests of MUR 3.90)
Yield-to-put3 4.5% p.a.
Coupon rate p.a. Repo+0.75% (currently 4.75%)
Interest frequency Quarterly
Amount already in issue MUR 1.3 billion
Amount being issued under current offer MUR 500-700 million
Minimum subscription 100 Notes
Next put option date 27 October 2026
Early exit option4 Quarterly (please refer to 'Early exit limitations' under Key risks / considerations)

Attractive yield

The Notes provide a yield of 4.5%3 p.a., representing an attractive premium over government securities of similar tenor. The coupon rate currently stands at 4.75% p.a. (Repo rate+0.75%).

Highly rated

The Notes are rated A (Outlook: Stable) by CARE Ratings (Africa) Private Limited.

Security package

The reference underlyings benefit from a security package consisting mainly of fixed charges on lands granted by ENL Limited and first rank floating charges on assets granted by ENL Property Limited.


Investors can sell their investments either by: (i) exercising their put option when the latter becomes available (next put option being on 27 October 2026) at a price of MUR 1,000 per Note (ii) by disposing of their Notes on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius at prevailing market prices and/or (iii) by opting for a quarterly early exit at the price stipulated in the Listing Particulars (please refer to 'Early exit limitations' under Key risks / considerations).

Credit risk of ENL entities

Investors should be aware that the notes bear the credit / default risk of the underlying reference entities, currently consisting of ENL Limited (c.75%) and ENL Property Limited (c.25%) and that the capital may be at risk in case of a default by these entities. To mitigate default risks, the Issuer only invests in A-rated instruments (or better) providing a security package. The Issuer also provides for a credit enhancement amount equivalent currently to 7.5% of the nominal amount of the Notes in issue.

Concentration risk

The Notes may not provide sufficient diversification on account of providing exposure to a single group (entities of the ENL group) and limited issuers. Investors are therefore advised not to invest 100% of their capital into the Notes.

Early exit limitations

Investors opting for an early exit will earn a lower yield and their requests may not be fully met given that the Issuer has set a maximum limit of 5% of outstanding notes per quarter to meet early exit requests. Similarly, investors may not be able to exit early in case the Issuer reaches the set limit of 20% of outstanding notes over any given period.

Offer opening date 17 October 2024
Offer closing date 15 November 2024
Settlement date 21 November 2024
Issue, Interest Start and First Trading date 27 November 2024

1 Return expressed as the yield-to-put. Current coupon rate is 4.75% p.a.

2 The yield is calculated based on an issue price of MUR 1,009 (inclusive of accrued interests of MUR 3.90 per note), coupon rate of 4.75% p.a. and a holding period of around 23 months to the next available put option of 27 October 2026.

3 CM Structured Products (1) Ltd invests in notes issued by selected entities of the ENL group of companies.

4 The yield to the investor will be lower than 4.5% p.a. in case of an early exit. Early exit prices and mechanism are provided in the Listing Particulars and are subject to limitations.

How to subscribe?

Step one! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ornare rutrum eros, ac iaculis urna fringilla ut. Ut ipsum lectus, faucibus et dui ac, rutrum sollicitudin nisi. Suspendisse hendrerit imperdiet nibh, in condimentum massa placerat nec.
Step two! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ornare rutrum eros, ac iaculis urna fringilla ut. Ut ipsum lectus, faucibus et dui ac, rutrum sollicitudin nisi. Suspendisse hendrerit imperdiet nibh, in condimentum massa placerat nec.


(1) Independent valuation performed by KPMG Advisory Services Ltd determined the equity value of EMTEL as MUR 12.028bn.
(2) A cash dividend of MUR 130 million has been paid in calendar year 2024. Subject to the continued satisfactory performance of the business, the Board of EMTEL expects to declare additional cash dividends of MUR 570 million in 2024.

Subscribe to Credit Linked Notes on ENL group entities2

Investment opportunity in Credit Linked Notes being issued by CM Structured Products (1) Ltd and having ENL group entities2 as underlying reference entities.